Wednesday, June 10, 2009


So danny and I have been very busy these past few weeks, not that I'm great about blogging anyways, but I apologize for the tardiness of this post. First and foremost is that we do have another exciting announcement......Danny (my amazingly attractive and extremely awesome and hilarous husband) passed his sniper indoc!!!!!!! So soon he'll look like this Yeah, it's pretty awesome, and I'm so proud of him. I think it's pretty cool that my husband could one day be the guy on top of the whitehouse.....o.k., maybe that's a little far fetched, but you never know. I'm still so amazed at how lucky I am to get such an amazing husband. Oh, and another good thing that comes out of him being in a sniper unit is that he gets to go to sniper school which just happens to be for two months at camp pendleton. This means that me and our soon to be baby will get to live at home in sunny San Diego while he unforntunately has to live in the bushes. We will definitely miss him but atleast I won't be by myself, I get to be with my family!!!

Another thing we've been up to is just having some fun in Michigan. I got to go to a Tigers vs. the Redsox game which I think a few of our friends may be a little jealous of. It was really fun but unfortunately I forgot the camera, and the tigers got slaughtered. We also have been BBQing it up quite a bit, I really love summer food like watermelon and corn on the cob so we tend to have it quite often. We also went to the toledo zoo with these two silly billiesJackson and Rueben were our house guests for a couple of days and it was a blast. We were lucky enough to get to go to the zoo for memorial day with my Aunt Jill and her kids (thanks again Aunt Jill for the free tickets) and I have to admit it definitely isn't the San Diego Zoo, but it was still fun. I really enjoyed looking at the bugs, for some reason they really fascinate me even though I'm scared to death of them.

We also finally got to mow the lawn. Unfortunately our lawn mower broke so we had to wait for a new one to get shipped to us and we couldn't mow our lawn for a few weeks. I don't think I have ever seen grass so long, it was pretty amazing. Danny made me take a picture with it to show how long it actually was.I also accomplished another craft project. I made my first CapriSun purse. Well, it was actually made out of Kool-Aid Jammers, but I was really impressed with myself and it actually turned out. My next project is to make a vest out of purple Kool-Aid Jammers for our friend Ginormo....yeah, we'll see how that one works out. lol.

And lastly for baby Hertig news....not much really. The baby is healthy and we got to hear it's heartbeat. If you want to know what it sounds like ask Danny because he can do a really good impression. We finally get to find out what it is in two weeks and we are so excited. We are still hoping for a boy, although, our close friends who are just two weeks behind us and thought that they were having a girl are actually having a boy. So we think that since we want a boy so bad and all the old wives tales tell us that we're having a boy, and even Danny's facebook quiz revealed that we are having a boy, we are most likely having a girl. But no matter what we are happy and just want a healthy baby. However, if it is a girl we will reveal her name ....... it will be Chloe Randall Hertig. Ta dah! My dad has always wanted someone named after him so we hope this will do. We are still contemplating boys names so we will have to get back at ya for that one. Well I think I'm done writing my short novel so I'll let you kiddos go.


  1. Thanks so much for the update! It's fun to see what you two are up to! Also, happy anniversary on Sunday! Can you believe it's been a year? WOW!

  2. I can't beleive it has been a year!! I can't wait to see you in July!! Hugs and love all around

  3. i want belly pictures!!! and...i am glad that you can always trust a facebook quiz to tell you what gender your baby will be. pretty much, facebook should probably have an at-home pregnancy test application. doctors? pee sticks? blood tests? who needs 'em.
