Saturday, April 18, 2009


Well I went to my first appointment with my doctor today and had a sonagram. And the results are in.......we have a healthy baby that is right where it's supposed to be! I am so excited because I think we all know how much of a worry wart I am and I couldn't wait to see the doctor to make sure everything was going o.k. This sonagram thing is pretty crazy, I actually saw the baby move while it was on the screen!!! It's alive! I still can't believe I have a little alien baby growing inside me. I haven't gained any weight, only lost weight due to the fact that all of my muscle has turned into fat from laying on the couch all day before work- so that's awesome. Hopefully I'll feel good enought to go to the gym soon so I can atleast tone some problem areas. And I want all of you Utah folk to know how lucky you are to have Zupas, Costa Vida, Fro-Yo and Rumbi's....I would seriously KILL for a pork smothered burrito right now. In-n-out has also been calling my name lately. grrrrr. There is no good food in MI and it is so depressing. I just can't wait until the end of July when I can finally satisfy all of my food cravings on our trip to utah. Only 3 more months!!!! Back to the baby..... We will be finding out the sex of baby Hertig at the beginning of July. We really want a boy, but most of all we want a healthy baby. Welp kiddos I'm going to order a pizza so I'm going to go. I'll chat at ya later (I stole that one from my mom)


  1. How do you feel about a hamberger by mail? I could send you a in-n-out by mail? not to sure how that would taste.
    I hope we will still be here in Utah when you are here. keep us updated on when you are coming.

  2. So exciting! I laughed when you said you hope you can go to the gym soon. Pretty soon you will realize that your old body is going to be MIA for a while. It's really depressing but I am told it will eventually be worth it! We are down to 3 weeks till due date. I hope you have a boy too cause that is what we are having!

  3. Yeah! I'm glad things all look good. Good luck on the food cravings. And don't worry about your body, it will all be okay, someday, I think, I hope, well after six kids I'm still hoping :)
